Reading suggestions

Fantastic Fiction

We use Fantastic Fiction at the library a lot. If you're wondering what book is next in your favorite series or what books and series your favorite author has written, this is a great resources.

Fantastic Fiction is an online catalog of authors and books for those of us who love to read fiction.

Gale Books and Authors

Gale Books and Authors offers new ways to explore the endless possibilities and combinations of books, authors, genres and topics. This resource is a reader’s advisory database that makes finding a great read much less challenging. With fun ways to browse, an intuitive design, read-alikes, reviews, award winners and themed booklists, and more this resource answers the age-old question, “What do I read next?"

What Should I Read Next

The self-proclaimed quickest and easiest book recommendation site on the web. This is a great resource for suggestions based on books and authors you've enjoyed in the past. Put an author or title into the search bar and browse for suggestions.